Saturday, November 27, 2010

Friday, November 26, 2010

The last three months in picture form

So the fastest way to catch you up on the last three months of my life is to post all the pictures from my iphone. When I first got here, Boston chewed me up and spit me out. Almost everything that could have possibly went wrong DID. It was during that time that I realized what was most important in life and I learned to celebrate the small victories in life.

This was the BIGGEST small victory. It was the first time I parallel parked successfully in the city. This is at Boston University. I long for the days of giant parking lots as far as the eye can see. For FREE. sigh.

A few people from the ward were nice enough to help my move into my new place. After I was semi-settled we went apple picking. I took a picture of the legend so we could remember the kind of apple that was on the tree. Now I wish I got a picture of the orchard. Darn.

This is Davis Sqare in Somerville. It's my favorite square and where my PO Box is. I'm sitting in a deli between jobs getting out of the rain. It rains A LOT.

This is what we get because it rains a lot.

Remember things that went wrong? This was one of them. I was tring to read a sign while driving when the road curved and I didn't. Luckily there was a curb and I didn't hit a tree. This was also when I learned that if you pull out the materials to change your tire and appear to not know what you are doing, without fail a gentleman will come and rescue you. Sometimes cute. Most times not.

I was sitting waiting for a bus. I remembered that my mom had requested pictures of folliage so I took these to appease her.

Did I mention it rains? A LOT.

This is in Salem, Ma. Trying to get more pictures of folliage.

I went exploring around Boston with a friend. I couldn't tell you where we were but we found a memorial of sorts. We also found a community garden that I promptly forgot to take a picture of :-/

I spend 90% of my time in my car driving to, from, or in between work. So naturally most of my pictures are taken while driving.

This was walking back to my car after working in a Dr.'s office. Notice the lack of parking lot. But the trees are pretty.

Rain on my sunroof.

There is a family farm just 2 miles from my house and on the way to the highway. Around October I saw them giving hay rides. The real kind. Not the Ford pickup truck driving a trailer with hay on it through a parking lot. It's blurry because I took it really far away while driving.

I had to pay a quarter to pee. I was pissed. :P

I use to pick the leaves off my car just under my windsheild wipers. Then a friend got in my car and noticed I was doing it. She said "silly girl, this is New England".

This is not even a block from my house. I live in the historic Lexington, MA. As in the battle of Lexington and Concord. Something about Paul revere on a horse. I don't know exactly what happend care of the Clark County School District.

One of the reasons I love my job is all the incidental information I am exposed to. I also get to do cool things for free sometimes. I am interpreting an art class at 9 am on Saturday mornings. Last week they took a field trip to the ICA art museum right on the harbor. It was pretty awesome, free for me while working, and I never knew it was there. Sometimes I actually think: "They are paying me right now, unbelievable!"

This is my place. I'm renting a room and there are a lot of stairs. One odd thing I have noticed about some houses in New Enlgand is that the lightswitch is on the wall before you go into the room. Or the lightswitch to the basement with the laundry is at the very top of the stairs in the kitchen.

The view from the back porch. Sometimes I feel like I live in the wilderness.

The leaves have fallen and winter is comming. Noooooooooo!