Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Toll Roads SUCK!

Sorry there are not pictures. I didn't want to take my phone out for fear that it would get wet. It has rained NON-STOP for three days straight and the news says it will be another 2 days before the sun comes out. Today it was 58 degrees. To me, little miss Las Vegas... that is winter. In August! I'm sure I'll be in for a rude awakening when it starts to get "real" cold but for now I'm still burried under blankets at night. But the weather man says that it should get up to the upper 80's by the end of the week.

So I have not decided if I want to be a Boston Metro interpreter or a willy nilly vehicle interpreter. Boston Metro interpreters take the T and walk and ride a bicycle everywhere but willy nilly vehicle interpreters drive and have to pay outrageous parking meters and stupid tolls. I leaning towards Boston Metro lately.

Reason 1:

My GPS isn't fast enough. Whenever I miss a turn and she does her re-routing thing she will tell me to turn at a street I have already passed. Then she has to take the time to do her re-routing thing AGAIN. It is beyond the most frustrating thing on the planet.

Reason 2:

Toll Roads SUCK! I came to a fork in the road and couldn't tell via my GPS if I should veer left or veer right so I closed my eyes and took a guess. It was a bad guess. I got onto a bridge and there was no turning around for 4 miles. The estimated arrival time on my GPS went from 2 minutes to 25 minutes. Then, when I could finally get myself turned around and situated I was coming back. On the way back... that same road I was on. THE SAME EXACT ROAD that I had been driving on for FREE now cost me $2.50 to drive on because I was going in the other direction. Are you freakin kidding me?!?!? I later learned that this was because Boston want's to punish the people the live in New Hampshire and pay cheaper property taxes but work in Boston at increased wages.

Reason 3:

I am digging the exercise I get everyday. I've already lost 7 pounds and I've only lived her for a few weeks.


  1. I got a kick out of the Las Vegas --> Boston translation on the side :) Funny.

    Hang in there, you'll get it. I would hate to pay to drive too.

  2. I don't like toll roads either. Do you have a P.A.P.E.R. road map? I know it's a foreign concept to your generation, but it really helps to look at one before you leave to get the overall picture in your head of where you're going. And I'm not talking google maps. Real, touchy feely paper. Your reviews of life in Boston are funny.
